Who we are

Professionals dedicated to developing true, long term financial success

Frequently Asked Questions


There are technically 2 “ranks” in the company:

Rank 0 – Customers subscribe to the iINSUREme™ Benefits Package and may use any of the included services; however, they do not earn any compensation.

Rank 1 – Representatives may also be Customers (and often are their “own customers”).  Representatives may also market the iINSUREme™ Benefits Package to build their monthly residual income (see below)

Telemedicine allows all members of a household access to doctors via phone/video.  These doctors can diagnose and offer prescription treatment for the majority of ailments.  There are 2 levels of service:

Included pay-per-use (30 day access)
Upgrade (24/7/365 day access)

ID Theft Protection helps to prevent one of the most stressful events that victimizes 1 in 3 Americans.  This service provides alerts for email breaches, changes to address or financial account information, dark web surveillance, and up to a $1,000,000 ID theft reimbursement.

C.A.R. Auction – an exclusive benefit to our Customers giving them the opportunity to get massive discounts on cars every 30-90 days.  

Customers receive 5 Bids per month

Corporate Wireless Discount – unlimited talk/text/data on the top 2 5G networks for $20/month/line (taxes and fees included).  You may also include anyone in their household.

Commissions & Overrides

Representatives earn $10 monthly commissions and overrides on the iINSUREme™ Benefits Package as follows:

Personal:  Commissions on the 1st benefits package are passed up to your sponsor.  This is usually your own subscription to the package (but it does not have to be).  $10 per month on every one thereafter

PSRs (Personally-Sponsored Reps):  Overrides of $10 per month on every package

Level 2 Reps:  Overrides of $10 per month on the 1st package

1st Customer Bonus:  Representatives earn DOUBLE commissions for the 1st Customer that any Rep in your agency Refers (1st and 2nd level).  To qualify, you must have at least 1 Customer, which can be yourself.

No license is required to earn commissions and overrides.

Commissions & Overrides are paid out on or around the 15th of each month and begin with the 2nd monthly payment.

Representatives pass up their 1st iINSUREme™ Benefits Package sale (usually their own) and their 1st PSR (Personally-Sponsored Representative) to their sponsor to become “qualified“.  

The pass-up feature creates a tremendous amount of leverage allowing a Representative to build a potentially unlimited and ever-increasing residual income.

Our proprietary sales and marketing funnel includes:

a.  Simple method to “pique interest”

b.  Pre-written “quick replies”

c.  Landing pages

d.  Personalized text, email, and voicemail 

e.  Phone app that allows for 2-way communication via text or email

At iINSUREme, we differentiate between Referral Fees and Commissions based on the level of activity involved in the sale of insurance.

A person who provides the quotes, fills out the paperwork, and any other activity related to the sale of insurance receives Commissions.

Because iINSUREme™ Representatives are only involved in the submission of a referral (i.e., name, contact info, etc.), we say that they receive Referral Fees.

It is a common misconception that people who do not have a Personal Lines license can earn Referral Fees and those who do have a Personal Lines license can earn Commissions. This is incorrect.

Although there are some states that allow for a one-time referral fee to be paid to a non-licensed person, the majority of states require a Personal Lines license to receive any form of compensation tied to insurance – especially if that compensation is paid on a residual basis. Because iINSUREme™ is in multiple states and because we pay annual renewals, all of our Representatives are required to have a Personal Lines license to earn Referral Fees on home/auto insurance referrals.

PLEASE NOTE: A Personal Lines insurance license IS required to earn Insurance Referral Fees.

Absolutely. In fact, we encourage you to do the following in order:

a. Join iINSUREme and begin building your agency by placing ads, passing out business cards, pointing people to your site, and plugging into our turn-key marketing solutions.
b. After you have joined iINSUREme, immediately review your personal insurance to see if you can get better coverage, better pricing or both through one of our carriers. You will begin to earn referral fees on your own policy as soon as you get licensed.
c. Begin studying to get licensed. We have a relationship with ExamFX to provide you with study materials at a significant discount.

You will find that joining, beginning to build your agency and getting the best coverage for the best price will take very little time. After you have set that up, focus 100% on getting licensed within your first 90 days.

The short answer is no; however, we believe you should be a product of the product. It is hard to market a service you do not personally own (“You should really have this even though I don’t!”)

A qualified referral is defined as submitting information on a person who:

a. Currently has insurance
b. Has been with their current insurance company for at least 6 months
c. Has avoided any major moving violations (e.g., DUIs, reckless driving, no insurance etc.) in the last 5 years
d. Is willing to combine policies (home, auto, umbrella)
e. Is willing to switch if we can get them better coverage, better pricing, or both 

iINSUREme and the ABC are open from 9am to 5pm Arizona time Monday thru Friday. (Please note that Arizona does not change with DST) IIM is located in Mesa, AZ. 

All referrals that you submit will have your Representative ID linked to them.

There are four areas that set us head and shoulders above the rest:

a. Our product is required by law to own
b. 70% of the time, a person can get better coverage, better pricing, or both on his/her home/auto/business insurance
c. You can earn a referral fee on your own policy and build a residual income by showing other people how to do the same
d. Our in-house staff of licensed producers will handle the quotes, sales, paperwork, claims and customer service on any insurance clients you refer
e. Our in-house staff of sales and recruiting professionals will help you build your agency

The Business Litmus Test Question helps you to determine if a business offers a viable opportunity based on a true consumer base or if it is a hyped-up opportunity based primarily on recruiting others to generate income.

Recruiting people into a business is not bad as it allows one to leverage his/her time through the efforts of others. However, if the income generated by the business is done exclusively through recruiting, high attrition is certain and the business will likely fail.

If a business can answer “YES” to the following question, then it offers a true opportunity for long-term growth and income:

“Would I, or would anyone, purchase this product or service at its current price, even if there were no business opportunity tied to recruiting involved?”

As you apply that question to the myriad of business opportunities available, you will find that most businesses must truthfully answer “NO”.

Now, let’s apply it to I-insureme:
Product #1 – Home/Auto Insurance: Is there a group of people who would be interested in getting better coverage, better pricing or both on their home and auto insurance even if there were no business opportunity involved? The answer is YES – there are 200+ million people who pay for home/auto insurance and most are looking for a better deal.
Product #2 – The iINSUREme System™: Would people be interested in a “system” to easily monetize home/auto insurance with their family, friends, and/or current clientele base? The answer, again, is YES – there are 60 million people who pay for home/auto insurance and are looking for a way to supplement or replace their current income. There are also over 5 million financial professionals, the majority of which do not have an easy way to monetize home/auto insurance when their clients ask them for help in that area.
However, because we do offer the realistic opportunity to build long-lasting, residual income, most of our representatives are interested in both building an agency and monetizing home and auto insurance.

Attrition occurs when people quit a business and the income derived from their subscription, membership, or product/service purchase goes away. This usually happens due to these 3 reasons:

a. The price of the product/service is inflated to pay out commissions to multiple people.

b. The business associate is buying the product/service for the sole purpose of generating income (there is no true end-consumer).

c. After a while, the business associate determines that the income he/she is generating is not enough to justify staying active in the business.

Here are 3 reasons why the iINSUREme business model is almost completely attrition-proof:

a. A person who takes the time to get licensed is much more likely to work harder, remain active in the business, and do whatever is required to build a long-term residual income.

b. Our representatives are often able to get better coverage, better pricing or both on their insurance.

c. Our representatives earn referral fees on their own policies and can start to build a residual income showing other people how to do the same. We have shown them how to turn a mandatory expense into an ever-increasing residual income.

Yes. For details, please refer to sections 4.24, 4.27, 4.28, and 4.29 of our Terms.


Jamie P.

I referred my own policy to iINSUREme and was able to save enough money from my auto insurance to pay my homeowners insurance with money left over for the year. I saved $1056 per year on my autos and $200 a year on my homeowners insurance.

Phil S.

When I requested a free quote I could not have imagined that I would be saving $1,100 per year on my auto insurance. My home insurance was about the same as I was already paying, except that I would also be earning a residual check from my own insurance. It was a no-brainer. I signed up immediately. What an amazing company!

Jorick G.

I helped Susanne K. save $669.03 on her homeowners insurance that she has had for more than 10 yrs.

John S.

I send out emails all the time to my prospects. I sent my prospects an email asking them for the opportunity to see if we could save them money on their insurance or provide them greater coverage for the same amount that they are paying now. I include the quote number in my email along with my agent ID.I had a prospect call in recently and they were able to save 300 dollars a year on their home and auto policy.

Ray C.

Just after joining I-insureme, my Lieutenant at my full-time job told me he was given notice by his current carrier that he had 30 days to find new coverage. I asked if he would allow me to see what iINSUREme could do for him, even though he was checking with 2 other agents. He later told me iINSUREme saved him about $300 and the others couldn't compete. He said the service was great, everyone was very professional and best of all, he saved $300 a month on his policies! I thought it was $300 per year. What a great first experience as an introduction to the I-insureme system.

Dennis R.

Being retired military, I was certain I had the best home and auto insurance coverage possible at the best price. I had insurance with them for 25 years. Imagine my surprise (and ultimate delight) when I priced coverage through I-insureme and found that not only did I save $634 per year, but I got even better coverage!

Lynmichelle K.

I am very impressed with the quotes that I have received for myself, my family, and others who have signed up to be I-insureme representatives. I am saving $250/year and I live in California. This savings also includes an increase in my insurance limits, so I have better coverage for less. My daughter, who lives in Colorado is saving over $3,000/year!

Rick W.

With I-insureme, my auto insurance was slightly more and my homeowners is exactly the same. However, when you subtract the income I am paid from I-insureme by referring just a few others that did see substantial savings, my insurance costs me nothing by being with I-insureme. I absolutely love this company!

Jerry G.

My brother Steve is the smart one of the family, Masters in Science and does cancer research. He wears a white lab coat and was sure he had the best insurance for his Mercedes and his Home. I was a little persistent with him, so finally emailed me his Declaration page with Allstate and his driver's license. I sent it to iINSUREme who worked with Science Steve. He asked several questions, the iINSUREme agent was patient, and she saved him $500 per year. He bought me dinner at our next family Sunday night event.

John G.

As a licensed P&C agent who has built an agency the old fashioned way, I have found the iinsureme system to be far and away the best way to build a P&C business. The people, product and process are first class. Don't miss the boat on this amazing opportunity.

Keith B.

A few days after joining IIM as a Marketing Partner I set up an appointment for my auto insurance and saved $456 the first year. Then on renters policy I got 33% MORE coverage for the same price. Then just a week after that, my son saved $668 on his auto policy, but there is actually more to that story. I started talking to him about this on a Friday, and he at the time was getting a renewal on his policy by his agent, so on Monday his agent informed him that he was able to lower his policy by $960 for the year (he also has my 17 yr old grandson on the policy too)! I thought for sure that we would not be able to help him, but iINSUREme brought it down another $668!! My son got better coverage on top of that and then also did a renters policy! His total savings is $1628 over what he was paying!! I am a believer!

Sandy S.

When I got my quote, it wasn't a significant savings, only about $30 a year on my auto and $100 per year on my house. But I had a very bad accident last winter on icy roads, that totaled my beautiful "Salsa Red Pearl" Toyota Tundra! Because of my previous record and because I changed insurance companies my accident was forgiven and my rates weren't RAISED. I also enrolled in a "Right Track" program that was able to save me about an additional $130 per year, so altogether a savings of $260 per year and we upgraded a few items on the house for better coverage. So I am very pleased with the way things turned out for me. There's a great deal to be said for shopping around and my agent at iINSUREme certainly knows how to do that! Thanks iINSUREme for the opportunity!

Greg M.

I have been in the P&C business for years. I initially joined I-insureme for the sole purpose of being more competitive, which has been an understatement. Here are some of the more notable examples of very happy clients:
Saved $7,500 after switching from USAA to I-insureme
91-year-old client saved $629 per year
Family saved $2,500 per year
Single person saved $1,135 per year
About a dozen more...
This is such a no-brainer that I am now focusing on building an agency. The system I-insureme has put into place makes it so easy to build residual income.

Our Team

iINSUREme is a professional organization dedicated to providing unique and effective ways for developing true, long-term financial success.
We are committed to teaching and living principles of service, integrity and leadership by example. We place the satisfaction of our clients and the success of our representatives at the top of our priority list. To help fulfill this mission, iINSUREme has assembled a truly world class leadership team.

Paul E. Langley

Chief Executive Officer

Paul has been a licensed insurance agent since 1999. Among his accomplishments are valedictorian, Eagle Scout, professional singer, top sales producer in numerous companies, Certified Senior Advisor, and call center owner. He lived in Montreal, Canada for two years and loves any opportunity to speak French. Of all of his achievements, Paul is first and foremost a family man. He is happily married with four children and his family’s happiness is his passion. He has a deep desire to improve the lives of those he meets and this is what drives his success. He is an “idea man” and, as such, has created multiple systems to help the average person achieve above-average success. In this age of technological automation, he believes a personal touch is what leads to long-term growth and high retention.

Jeff Montgomery Jr.


Jeff has owned and operated several businesses since 2003. He has been licensed and working in the insurance industry since 2007. The most important things in his life are God, his wife and 4 children, and helping others improve and succeed. Jeff has always had a deep desire to serve others however he can. He finds great joy in seeing others rise to their potential and accomplish great things. One of the ways he has done this is through helping others work hard and build business systems. Jeff also has a passion for music and inspiring people and helping them feel happy through song. He sings professionally and has started to write his own music, as well. He also loves high adventure activities such as skydiving, quad riding and motorcycles. He believes that life is an amazing gift that we can mold into whatever we want it to be.

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